6 Quick Health Drinks

 1. Ragi Malt- Breakfast Drink

Benefits: a. Promotes weight loss

                 b. Control diabetes

                 c. Lowers cholesterol

                 d. Reverts skin ageing

                 e. Battles anemia

                 f. Relaxes the body

Recipe: 3-4 tsp Ragi Flour, little water to make a paste. Boil 1cup of water, add rock salt 1/2tsp, add paste. Cool down, add lemon and curd.

2. Turmeric Milk- 

Immunity booster, consume it at night before sleep.

Receipe: 200ml milk, once it starts to boil add 1/2tsp turmeric , a pinch of black pepper to increase absorbtion of turmeric, cow ghee 1/4tsp and let the milk boil.

3. Butter Milk: 

Consume it preferably after having full meal, as helpful in digestion.

Recipe: Blend curd, coriander leaf, mint leaf, ginger, asafetida , rock salt, black salt together and pour it in glass. Take 1tsp of cow ghee, 1/2tsp of cumin seed, few curry leaves and heat them on low flame then add to milk.

4. Sugarcane Juice:

 Rich in antioxidants, iron , calcium, phosphorus. Easily available in summers in local shops.

Benefits: Strengths liver, relieves constipation, medicine for kidney problems.

5. Carrot Milk: 

Rich in vitamins and minerals, another source of immunity booster. Helpful in winters.

Recipe: Grate 1 medium size carrot, boil it in minimum water, once water get half add 200ml milk.

Benefits: Improves eye sight, for glowing skin, relief from dark circles, clears vitamin deficiencies, increases strength.

6. Whey protein: 

Consume it after post workout with water, on daily basis if you are in body building and have requirement of protein on daily basis. 

Benefits: a. Lean source of protein means absorb easily in body.

b. Source of essential amino acid as obtain from milk.

c. Helpful for those who are vegetarian and doesn't get daily protein demand from food.


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