Eat fruits and stay healthy

Fruits are the rich source of vitamin and minerals, helps to hydrate your body, provides energy, their sugar content is not harmful for health, cheap in prize , besides all these parameters it is important how we consume it. 

Are we eating the fruits in right amount?

When to eat fruits:  Eating fruits in the morning is the perfect time and gain it's maximum benefits. Before noon , possible before 12p.m. you should eat the fruits.
How to eat the fruits: Try to eat them fresh, never cut your fruits to eat it later as people usually do as they packed it in plastic containers to eat it in office. 

Multiply your weight by 10 and whatever data comes after calculation you have to eat that much grams of fruit.

Try to eat it as a whole food rather than in juice forms because by doing this you will lose the dietary fiber which are necessary portion.

First give preference to local fruits because their nutrient content will provide great benefits than the foreign fruits or those which donot grow in your locality and second they always cost you less . So, if you are getting more nutrient in less prize then why not to try it.

There is also a term known bioavailability, it is not necessary if foreign fruit is having more health benefits then by eating that you will also get that, then prefer to go for local.

Go for seasonal fruits, it's important and try to eat different colour of fruits.

Never eat anything before 1hour of eating fruit and after 1 hour of eating fruit, if you want to gain maximum benefits.


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